Picipes Zmitr. & Kovalenko 2016, in Cui, et al., Fungal Diversity 97, 137–392 (2019)
Diagnosis: Basidiocarps annual, stipitate. Pilei fan-shaped to circular or infundibuliform, covered with hard cuticle, glabrous; corky to coriaceous when fresh and hard when dry; stipe usually covered with a brownish to black cuticle from the base. Pores round to angular. Hyphal system dimitic; generative hyphae bearing clamp connections or simple septa; skeletal hyphae strongly branched in trama; hyphae in cuticle bearing clamp connections or not, thick-walled with a wide lumen, usually unbranched. Basidiospores oblong to cylindrical or fusiform, smooth, hyaline, less than 13 µm long and 5 µm wide. Melanopus Pat. was established by Patouillard (1887) to accommodate stipitate polypores with black stipe. Subsequently, however, the genus was reduced to a synonym of Polyporus P. Micheli ex Adans. (Donk 1960). Núñez and Ryvarden (1995) treated Melanopus as an infrageneric group of Polyporus. They defined this group with following characters: basidiocarps coriaceous, tough when dry, context thin, stipe with a black cuticle, skeletal hyphae mostly subsolid and narrow when mature, and basidiospores medium size to large (6–12 × 2–4 µm).
Index Fungorum Number: IF812027
Type species: Picipes badius (Pers.) Zmitr. & Kovalenko 2016, in Cui, et al., Fungal Diversity 97, 137–392 (2019)
Notes: Phylogenetically, Polyporus badius (Pers.) Schwein., P. melanopus (Pers.) Fr. and P. tubaeformis (P. Karst.) Ryvarden & Gilb. grouped together in a well-supported clade (Krüger et al. 2006). Krüger et al. (2006) indicated that ‘‘Melanopus’’ appeared to be a non-monophyletic assemblage of dark-stipited polypores. Sotome et al. (2008) showed that P. badius, P. dictyopus Mont. and P. tubaeformis cluster together in a single clade with high supports while P. leprieurii Mont., P. varius (Pers.) Fr., P. squamosus (Huds.) Fr. and Datronia mollis (Sommerf.) Donk, D. scutellata (Schwein.) Doman´ski, Pseudofavolus cucullatus (Mont.) Pat. gathered into a related but distinct clade. Zmitrovich and Kovalenko (2016) erected Picipes Zmitr. et Kovalenko for the P. badius clade according to analyses of nLSU, ITS and EF1-a sequences. Recently, taxonomic and phylogenetic studies on the Melanopus group in China were carried out by Zhou et al. (2016), and species in this group distribute into two distinct clades: the Picipes clade and the Squamosus clade; Picipes was confirmed as a distinct genus separated from Polyporus.
Picipes admirabilis (Peck) J.L. Zhou & B.K. Cui 2016
Picipes ailaoshanensis B.K. Cui, Xing Ji & J.L. Zhou 2022
Picipes americanus (Vlasák & Y.C. Dai) J.L. Zhou & B.K. Cui 2016
Picipes annularius B.K. Cui, Xing Ji & J.L. Zhou 2022
Picipes atratus B.K. Cui, Xing Ji & J.L. Zhou 2022
Picipes auriculatus B.K. Cui, Xing Ji & J.L. Zhou 2022
Picipes austroandinus (Rajchenb. & Y.C. Dai) J.L. Zhou & B.K. Cui 2016
Picipes badius (Pers.) Zmitr. & Kovalenko 2016
Picipes baishanzuensis J.L. Zhou & B.K. Cui 2016
Picipes brevistipitatus B.K. Cui, Xing Ji & J.L. Zhou 2022
Picipes conifericola (H.J. Xue & L.W. Zhou) J.L. Zhou & B.K. Cui 2016
Picipes dictyopus (Mont.) B.K. Cui, Xing Ji & J.L. Zhou 2022,
Picipes fraxinicola (L.W. Zhou & Y.C. Dai) J.L. Zhou & B.K. Cui 2016
Picipes hainanensis J.L. Zhou & B.K. Cui 2019
Picipes jiajinensis J.L. Zhou & B.K. Cui 2019
Picipes melanopus (Pers.) Zmitr. & Kovalenko 2016
Picipes nigromarginatus B.K. Cui, Xing Ji & J.L. Zhou 2022
Picipes pseudovarius J.L. Zhou & B.K. Cui 2019
Picipes pumilus (Y.C. Dai & Niemelä) J.L. Zhou & B.K. Cui 2019
Picipes rhizophilus (Pat.) J.L. Zhou & B.K. Cui 2016
Picipes subdictyopus (H. Lee, N.K. Kim & Y.W. Lim) B.K. Cui, Xing Ji & J.L. Zhou 2022
Picipes submelanopus (H.J. Xue & L.W. Zhou) J.L. Zhou & B.K. Cui 2016
Picipes subtropicus J.L. Zhou & B.K. Cui 2016
Picipes subtubaeformis J.L. Zhou & B.K. Cui 2016
Picipes taibaiensis (Y.C. Dai) J.L. Zhou & B.K. Cui 2016
Picipes tibeticus J.L. Zhou & B.K. Cui 2016
Picipes tubaeformis (P. Karst.) Zmitr. & Kovalenko 2016
Picipes ulleungensis (H. Lee, N.K. Kim & Y.W. Lim) B.K. Cui, Xing Ji & J.L. Zhou 2022
Picipes virgatus (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) J.L. Zhou & B.K. Cui 2016
Picipes wuyishanensis B.K. Cui, Xing Ji & J.L. Zhou 2022
Picipes yuxiensis C.L. Zhao 2022
Cui, B.K., & Li, H.J., & Ji, X., & Zhou, J.L., & Song, J. & Si, J., & Yang, Z.L., & Dai, Y.C. (2019). Species diversity, taxonomy and phylogeny of Polyporaceae (Basidiomycota) in China. Fungal Diversity 97, 137–392
Donk, M.A. (1960) The generic names proposed for Polyporaceae.Persoonia 1, 173–302
Krüger, D., & Petersen, R.H., & Hughes, K.W. (2006). Molecular phylogenies and mating study data in Polyporus with special emphasis on group ‘‘Melanopus’’ (Basidiomycota). Mycological Progress 5, 185–206
Núñez, M., & Ryvarden, L. (1995) Polyporus (Basidiomycotina) and related genera. Synopsis Fungorum 10, 1–85
Patouillard, N.T. (1887) Les Hyme´nomyce`tes d’Europe anatomie ge´ne´rale et classification des champignons supe´rieurs. P. Klincksieck, Paris, France
Sotome, K., & Hattori, T., & Ota, Y, & To-anun, C., & Salleh, B., & Kakishima, M. (2008). Phylogenetic relationships of Polyporus and morphologically allied genera. Mycologia 100, 603–615
Zhou, J.L., & Zhu, L., & Chen, H., & Cui, B.K. (2016). Taxonomy and phylogeny of Polyporus group Melanopus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from China. PLoS ONE 11(8):e0159495
Zmitrovich, I.V., & Kovalenko, A.E. (2016) Lentinoid and polyporoid fungi, two generic conglomerates containing important medicinal mushrooms in molecular perspective. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms 18, 23–38
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