Australohydnum Jülich 1978, in Gorjón, Studies in Fungi 5(1), 167-168 (2020).
Current name: Irpex Fr., Systema orbis vegetabilis (Lundae), 81 (1825)
Diagnosis: Basidiome annual, resupinate to effuse-reflexed, membranaceous, adnate, context homogeneous, margin determinate, rhizomorphs or hyphal strands lacking. Hymenophore hydnoid. Hyphal system monomitic or indistinctly dimitic, hyphae simple-septate, hyaline, cylindrical, compactly arranged, thin-walled in the subhymenium, thick-walled in the trama, smooth. Cystidia (skeletocystidia) present, abundant, arising from thick-walled, clampless, generative hyphae, the projecting part loosely encrusted. Basidia clavate, with a simple basal septum. Basidiospores hyaline, more or less ellipsoid, thin-walled, smooth, not amyloid.
Index Fungorum Number: IF17140
Type Species: Australohydnum griseofuscescens (Reichardt) Jülich 1978
Notes: Australohydnum is phylogenetically related to phanerochaetoid fungi as Phanerochaete and Phlebiopsis (Larsson 2007). It shares with these genera the generative simple-septate hyphae, but it differs in the pseudodimitic hyphal system and in the presence of skeletocystidia.
Australohydnum castaneum (Lloyd) Zmitr., Malysheva & Spirin 2006
Australohydnum dregeanum (Berk.) Hjortstam & Ryvarden 1990
Australohydnum griseofuscescens (Reichardt) Jülich 1978
Gorjón, S.P. (2020). Genera of corticioid fungi: keys, nomenclature, and taxonomy. Studies in Fungi 5(1), 125–309.
Larsson, K.H. (2007). Re-thinking the classification of corticioid fungi. Mycological Research 111(9), 1040–1063.
Recent Genus
Recent Species
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