Ryvardenia Rajchenb. 1994, in Rajchenberg, Nordic Journal of Botany, 14, 435-449 (1994)
Etymology: Referring to (and in honor of) the polypore specialist Dr Leif Ryvarden, University of Oslo, Norway.
Diagnosis: Fruit body pileate, of medium to large size, hyphal system monomitic or dimitic. Generative hyphae clamped, thin or thick walled, the thickened ones contrasting with the thin-walled ones. Skeletal hyphae few to abundant, only present in the dissepiments. Spores obovate to drop shaped, thick-walled and uninucleate. Mycelium producing a brown rot in the substrate. Sexuality bipolar, nuclear behavior astatocoenocytic and generative hyphae of the advancing mycelium simple septate. Associated wood-rot chestnut.
Index Fungorum Number: IF27723
Type species: Ryvardenia cretacea (Lloyd) Rajchenb. 1994, in Rajchenberg, Nordic Journal of Botany, 14, 435-449 (1994)
Ryvardenia campyla (Berk.) Rajchenb. 1994
Ryvardenia cretacea (Lloyd) Rajchenb. 1994
Rajchenberg, M. (1994). A taxonomic study of the subantarctic Piptoporus (Polyporaceae, Basidiomycetes) I. Nordic Journal of Botany, 14, 435-449.
Recent Genus
Recent Species
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