Polyporales » Steccherinaceae


Frantisekia Spirin & Zmitr. 2007, in Spirin & Zmitrovich, Czech Mycology. 59, 144 (2007)

Etymology: according to the first name of the Czech mycologist František Kotlaba on the occasion of his 80th birthday in 2007.

Diagnosis: Basidiocarps annual, pileate, effused-reflexed or resupinate, cream to pale ochraceous and fleshy in fresh condition, often darkening and fragile when dry. Hymenophore poroid, tubes strongly agglutinated in herbarium specimens; pores small, 610 per mm. Hyphal structure pseudodimitic; generative hyphae clamped, hyaline or yellowish, thinto somewhat thick-walled, pseudoskeletal hyphae present in context and (or) tubes, thick-walled, with rare clamps and septa, even or inflated, often weakly cyanophilous. No cystidia; cystidioles sometimes present. Basidia narrowly clavate, four-spored, clamped. Basidiospores thin-walled, oblong ellipsoid to cylindrical, negative in both Melzers reagent and Cotton Blue. Causes white rot in dead hardwoods. The best diagnostic characters of Frantisekia are the pseudodimitic hyphal structure, narrowly clavate basidia, and small spores. Relatives of Frantisekia might be found among Ceriporiopsis species, with which it shares fleshy resupinate basidiocarps, agglutinated tubes, predominance of thin-walled generative hyphae and the type of rot. However, the genus Ceriporiopsis is evidently heterogeneous (Zmitrovich et al. 2006, Tomšovský 2007), and needs to be split into small homogeneous genera.

Index Fungorum Number: IF529701

Type species: Frantisekia fissiliformis (Pilát) Spirin & Zmitr. 2007, in Spirin & Zmitrovich, Czech Mycology. 59, 144 (2007)


Frantisekia abieticola H.S. Yuan 2013

Frantisekia fissiliformis (Pilát) Spirin & Zmitr. 2007

Frantisekia mentschulensis (Pilát) Spirin 2007

Frantisekia ussurii (Y.C. Dai & Niemelä) Spirin 2007


Spirin, W. & Zmitrovich, I. (2007). Frantisekia-a new polypore genus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota). Czech Mycology, 59, 144.

Tomšovský,  M. (2007): Molecular phylogeny of European Ceriporiopsis species. – In: XV Congress of European Mycologists, St. Petersburg, September 1621, 2007, Abstracts: 64.

Zmitrovich, I., & Malysheva, V., & Spirin, W. (2006): A new morphological arrangement of the Polyporales 1. PhanerochaetinaeMycena, 6, 456.


About Basidiomycota

The webpage Basidiomycota provides an up-to-date classification and account of all genera of the phylum Basidiomycota.


Supported by 

Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)

project entitled:

"Macrofungi diversity research from the Lancang-Mekong Watershed and surrounding areas"

(Grant No. DBG6280009)


  • Email: basidio.org@yahoo.com
  • Addresses:
    Mushroom Research Foundation, 292 Moo 18, Bandu District,
    Muang Chiangrai 57100, Thailand
  • The State Key Lab of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No.3 1st Beichen West Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, P.R. China

Published by the State Key Lab of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and
Mushroom Research Foundation
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