Auriculoscypha D.A. Reid & Manim. 1985, in Reid, & Manimohan, Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 85(3), 532-535 (1985)
Diagnosis: Sporophores dependent, cupulate, with central, dorsally attached stipe and woody, non-gelatinous texture. Flesh golden-brown, cottony-fibrillose, and non-gelatinous. Hyphae of the context almost hyaline toward the margin, elsewhere pale brown to brown with thickened refractive walls, and septate but lacking clamp-connexions, Basidia auricularioid, clavate or circinate. Spores hyaline, cylindric or allantoid, septate or muriform.
Index Fungorum Number: IF25706
Type species: Auriculoscypha anacardiicola D.A. Reid & Manim. 1985, in Reid, & Manimohan, Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 85(3), 532-535 (1985)
Auriculoscypha anacardiicola D.A. Reid & Manim. 1985
Reid, D. A., & Manimohan, P. (1985). Auriculoscypha, a new genus of Auriculariales (Basidiomycetes) from India. Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 85(3), 532-535.
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