Stereopsidaceae Sjkvist, E. Larss., B.E. Pfeil & K. H. Larss., in Sjökvist et al., PLoS One 9 (4): 1 (2013)
Diagnostic characters: Homobasidiomycetes with effused, stipitate, spathulate or funnel shaped sporocarps. Hymenium smooth. Hyphal system monomitic, with clamps. Basidia clavate, exemplar species with two sterigmata. Cystidia present. Spores hyaline, smooth, upon drying becoming angular. In soil or on living or dead wood.
Index Fungorum number: IF805764
Type genus: Stereopsis D.A. Reid, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 18: 290 (1965)
Figure 1. Maximum likelihood tree of rpb2 with Bootstrap/Bayesian frequencies as a percentage shown above branches. Thick branches receive full support of both Bayesian frequencies and Bootstrap. The collapsed and colored groups represent current orders and subclasses of the Agaricomycetes.
Figure 2. Maximum likelihood tree of tef1 with Bootstrap/Bayesian frequencies as a percentage shown above branches. Thick branches receive full support of both Bayesian frequencies and Bootstrap. The collapsed and colored groups represent current orders and subclasses of the Agaricomycetes.