Bulleraceae Xin Zhan Liu, F.Y. Bai, M. Groenew. & Boekhout, in Liu et al., Studies in Mycology 81: 113 (2015)
Etymology: In reference to the name of the type genus Bullera.
Diagnosis: Basidiocarps tremella-like, 1–2 cm in diameter. Dikaryotic hyphae with clamp connections and haustorial branches. Sexual reproduction observed in some species. Basidia transversely, obliquely or longitudinally septate. Basidiospores globose, fusiform to narrowly clavate. Budding cells present. Pseudohyphae occasionally present. Ballistoconidia may be present. Fermentation absent. Nitrate not utilised. Major CoQ System CoQ-10 as far as known.
Index Fungorum number: IF813328
Type genus: Bullera Derx, Annales Mycologici 28 (1-2): 11 (1930)
Figure 1. A taxonomic framework of genera and higher levels in Tremellomycetes based on the seven-genes phylogeny (Liu et al. 2015). The tree backbone was constructed using Bayesian analysis and branch lengths were scaled in terms of expected numbers of nucleotide substitutions per site. The Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) and bootstrap percentages (BP) of maximum likelihood and neighbour-joining analyses from 1 000 replicates are shown respectively from left to right on the deep and major branches resolved. Note: ns, not supported (PP < 0.9 or BP < 50 %); nm, not monophyletic.
Liu, X.-Z; Wang, Q.-M; Göker, M; Groenewald, M; Kachalkin, A.V; Lumbsch, H.T; Millanes, A.M; Wedin, M; Yurkov,A.M; Boekhout,T; Bai, F.-Y. 2015. Towards an integrated phylogenetic classification of the Tremellomycetes. Studies in Mycology. 81:85-147
Recent Genus
Recent Species
Dictyocephalos attenuatusOliveonia fibrillosa
Tricholomella constricta