Purpureocorticium S.H. Wu 2017, in Wu et al., Mycological Progress, 17, 357-364 (2018).
Etymology: From purpureus (= purple) + Corticium, referring to the hymenial surface color.
Diagnosis. Purpureocorticium is characterized by resupinate basidiocarps with a smooth hymenial surface which turns purple in KOH, and becomes purplish after storage; microscopically having compact texture of subiculum, nodoseseptate thin-walled generative hyphae, absence of cystidia, basidia subclavate with a median constriction, or utriform, bearing ovate-ellipsoid small-sized basidiospores, which are smooth and thin-walled, inamyloid, and nondextrinoid.
Fruit body effused, adnate, membranaceous. Hymenial surface white when fresh, turning purple in KOH, becoming purplish pink or pinkish purple after storage of several years, smooth. Hyphal system monomitic; hyphae nodose-septate. Subiculum fairly uniform, composed of medullary layer, with compact texture; hyphae colorless, interwoven, and with irregular orientation, tortuous, indistinct, ± agglutinated, occasionally irregularly swollen. Hymenial layer not clearly differentiated from subiculum, possibly thickening. Cystidia lacking. Basidia subclavate with amedian constriction, or utriform, 4-sterigmate. Basidiospores ovate-ellipsoid, smooth, thin-walled, often with one oily drop, inamyloid, nondextrinoid, acyanophilous.
Index Fungorum Number: IF809432
Type species: Purpureocorticium microsporum S.H. Wu 2017, in Wu et al., Mycological Progress, 17, 357-364 (2018).
Purpureocorticium microsporum S.H. Wu 2017
Wu, S. H., Wang, D. M., & Chen, Y. P. (2018). Purpureocorticium microsporum (Basidiomycota) gen. et sp. nov. from East Asia. Mycological Progress, 17, 357-364.
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