Exoteliospora R. Bauer, Oberw. & Vánky 1999, in Bauer et al., Mycologia, 669-675 (1999).
Etymology: Referring to the character that teliospores are formed externally on the host surface.
Diagnosis: Members of the Melanotaeniaceae sensu Begerow et al (1997) having coralloid haustoria in epidermal cells and external teliosporogenesis. Teliospores produced in chains. Septal pores simple, with membrane caps.
Index Fungorum Number: IF28331
Type Species: Exoteliospora osmundae (Peck) R. Bauer, Oberw. & Vánky 1999, in Bauer et al., Mycologia, 669-675 (1999).
Exoteliospora osmundae (Peck) R. Bauer, Oberw. & Vánky 1999
Bauer, R., Oberwinkler, F., & Vánky, K. (1999). Ustilaginomycetes on Osmunda. Mycologia, 669-675.
Recent Genus
Recent Species
Dictyocephalos attenuatusOliveonia fibrillosa
Tricholomella constricta