Chernovia A.M. Yurkov & Begerow 2016, in Yurkov et al., Mycological Progress, 15, 845-859 (2016).
Etymology: the genus is named in honour of the Russian microbiologist Ivan Yur’evich Chernov for his outstanding contribution to the ecology and systematics of soil yeasts.
Diagnosis: Basidiocarps absent. True hyphae and pseudohyphae not observed. Sexual reproduction not observed. Budding cells present. Budding is on the wide basis. Ballistoconidia absent. Arthroconidia absent. Low-weight aromatic compounds can be utilised. Nitrate is utilised
Index Fungorum Number: IF816158
Type Species: Chernovia houtui J. Federici, A.M. Yurkov & D. Begerow 2016, in Yurkov et al., Mycological Progress, 15, 845-859 (2016).
Chernovia houtui J. Federici, A.M. Yurkov & D. Begerow 2016
Yurkov, A. M., Wehde, T., Federici, J., Schäfer, A. M., Ebinghaus, M., Lotze-Engelhard, S., ... & Begerow, D. (2016). Yeast diversity and species recovery rates from beech forest soils. Mycological Progress, 15, 845-859.
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