Pseudolaccaria pachyphylla
Pseudolaccaria pachyphylla (Fr.) Vizzini & Contu, in Lavorato et al., Phytotaxa 219(1): 53 (2015)
Basionym: Agaricus pachyphyllus Fr., Observationes mycologicae 1: 76 (1815)
Index fungorum number: IF812687
Figure 1. Maximum likelihood (ML) tree based on the combined ITS and nucLSU dataset of selected taxa from the Tricholomatoid and Hygrophoroid clades sensu Matheny et al. (2006) and Lodge et al. (2014). Only ML bootstrap values above 50 % were shown above the branches. Newly sequenced collections are in bold.
Figure 2. Pseudolaccaria pachyphylla. Basidiomes. a. (LE 262747, GC 00095). b. (LE 262756, GC 06319). c. (LE 262748, GC 06363). d. (LP 301103). a–c by G. Consiglio; d by L. Perrone. Scale bars: 10 μm.
Recent Genus
Recent Species
Dictyocephalos attenuatusOliveonia fibrillosa
Tricholomella constricta