Agaricales » Niaceae » Peyronelina

Peyronelina glomerulata

Peyronelina glomerulata P.J. Fisher, J. Webster & D.F. Kane 1976, in Fisher et al., Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 67(2), 351 (1976).

Diagnosis (In Latin): Bulbuli albi 40 µm diam. 6-8 brachiis praedit, 60-80 µm longis, spinosis basi excepta, In pinnulis submersis Pteridii aquilini

Index Fungorum Number: IF302623



Figure 1. Peyronelina glomerulata (Herb. Exr. 3214). (A) Propagule with incurved arms; (B) propagule formed under moist conditions with extended arms; (C) Higher-power drawing to show the origin of the arms, and two detached globose cells (Fisher et al.,1976).