Kauffmania Örstadius & E. Larss., in Örstadius et al., Mycological Progress 14 (no. 25): 31 (2015)
Etymology: The genus name refers to the American mycologist Calvin Henry Kauffman who described the type species.
Diagnostic characters: Basidiomata large, veil present, often connected to wood. Cap dark reddish brown, moist striate, hygrophanous, pallescent on drying. Gills crowded, adnate to adnexed, pale, becoming reddish brown, with white fimbriate edge. Stem rather firm. Spores medium-sized, pale, with indistinct to absent germ pore. Basidia or other cells in hymenium sometimes brown intracellular pigmented. Hymenial cystidia present. Pileipellis a hymeniderm sometimes with transition to a paraderm. Clamps present.
Index Fungorum number: IF811613
Type species: Kauffmania larga (Kauffman) Örstadius & E. Larss., in Örstadius et al., Mycological Progress 14(no. 25): 31 (2015)
Note: A monotypic genus recognized by large sized basidiomata, scanty veil, and pale spores.
Örstadius, L; Ryberg, M; Larsson, E. 2015. Molecular phylogenetics and taxonomy in Psathyrellaceae (Agaricales) with focus on psathyrelloid species: introduction of three new genera and 18 new species. Mycological Progress. 14(5/25):1-42
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