

Pseudoclitocybaceae Vizzini, Consiglio, P.A. Moreau & P. Alvarado, in Alvarado et al., Fungal Diversity. 90:109-133 (2018)

Etymology: from the type genus Pseudoclitocybe

Diagnostic characters: Large- to medium-sized basidiomes (515 cm), tricholomatoid or clitocyboid, pileus umbilicate to convex-applanate, sometimes with persistent umbo, hygrophanous or not, lamellae decurrent, subdecurrent to uncinate; mycelium usually developed superficially on substrate as patches with or without rhizomorphs, rooting in tricholomatoid species; hymenophoral trama subregular to somewhat divergent; context homomorphous with cylindrical hyphae > 4 µm diam., usually with acyanophilic intracellular globules, mixed or not with thromboplerous hyphae, exclusively sarcodimitic in tricholomatoid species; subhymenium ramose, repent, easily dissociated; hymenium usually without cystidia; basidia narrowly clavate, small, mostly < 35 x 8 µm, without siderophilic granulations; loop-like (medallion) clamp connections usually present at least in mycelium; pileipellis a dry or weakly gelatinized cutis, frequently diverticulate, occasionally a trichocutis; spores usually smooth, amyloid or not, acyanophilous, with broad, truncate and prominent apicule; mating behaviour heterothallic bipolar (for documented species); nuclear behaviour holocoenocytic (fordocumented species, spores binucleate and terminal hyphae in the primary mycelium plurinucleate). Probably only saprobic (uncertain for Pogonoloma). Present worldwide, mostly temperate to boreal.

Index Fungorum number: IF823302

Type genus: Pseudoclitocybe (Singer) Singer, in Mycologia 48(5): 725 (1956)



Alvarado, P; Moreau, P-A; Dima, B; Vizzini, A; Consiglio, G; Moreno, G; Setti, L; Kekki, T; Huhtinen, S; Liimatainen, K; Niskanen, T. 2018. Pseudoclitocybaceae fam. nov. (Agaricales, Tricholomatineae), a new arrangement at family, genus and species level. Fungal Diversity. 90:109-133


About Basidiomycota

The webpage Basidiomycota provides an up-to-date classification and account of all genera of the phylum Basidiomycota.


Supported by 

Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)

project entitled:

"Macrofungi diversity research from the Lancang-Mekong Watershed and surrounding areas"

(Grant No. DBG6280009)


  • Email:
  • Addresses:
    Mushroom Research Foundation, 292 Moo 18, Bandu District,
    Muang Chiangrai 57100, Thailand
  • The State Key Lab of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No.3 1st Beichen West Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, P.R. China

Published by the State Key Lab of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and
Mushroom Research Foundation
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