Mycostilla vermiformis
Mycostilla vermiformis (Berk. & Broome) Spirin & Malysheva, in Spirin et al., Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 112(5): 760 (2019)
Basidiocarps gelatinous, first appearing as conical or needle-like outgrowths 0.05–0.2 mm long, partly fusing, semitranslucent, greyish or with faint pinkish or violaceous tints, later coalescent and producing reticulate compound basidiocarps 0.5–1 cm in diam. Hyphae clamped; subicular hyphae with distinct walls, 2–3.5 μm in diam., subhymenial hyphae thin-walled, 1–2 μm in diam. Basidiospores (3.3–) 3.7–5.9 (–6.2) 9 (2.9–) 3.0–5.2 (–5.9) μm (n = 160/6), L = 4.28–5.22, W = 3.72–4.70, Q = 1.10–1.15. Basidia (6.8–) 7.0–8.7 (–8.8) 9 (5.8–) 6.1–7.6 (–7.8) μm (n = 20/2), sterigmata only rarely bifurcate, 3–16 9 1–2 μm, enucleate stalk 4–16 9 1.7–2.8 μm. Tramal cystidia tubular, apically obtuse, 52–140 9 8–18 μm (n = 20/2); gloeocystidia tubular to somewhat fusiform, running parallel to tramal cystidia, 16–94 9 4–9 μm (n = 20/2). Hyphidia occasionally branched, 1–3 μm in diam.
Index Fungorum number: IF826892
Figure 1. Phylogenetic relationships of lineages within the Auriculariales: a the best tree from the ML analysis of the nrLSU dataset. ML BS and Bayesian posterior probability (pp) values for internal nodes are given above the branches (BS/pp); b the best tree from the ML analyses of the nrITS dataset. Voucher numbers are given for newly sequenced specimens and accession numbers for additional sequences retrieved from GenBank. Scale bar shows expected changes per site
Spirin V, Malysheva V, Haelewaters D, Larsson KH 2019. Studies in the Stypella vermiformis group (Auriculariales, Basidiomycota). Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2019 May;112(5):753-64.
Recent Genus
Recent Species
Dictyocephalos attenuatusOliveonia fibrillosa
Tricholomella constricta