Tausonia Babeva, in Mikrobiologiya 67(2): 231 (1998)
Diagnosis: Basidiocarps absent. Cultures may be pigmented and pinkish. Hyphae disarticulate into arthroconidia. Chlamydospores occasionally produced. Sexual reproduction not observed. Budding cells present. Fermentation absent. Nitrate and nitrite utilised. Major CoQ system CoQ-9.
Index Fungorum number: IF28378
Type species: Tausonia pamirica Babeva, in Mikrobiologiya 67(2): 232 (1998)
Notes: Guehomyces pullulans (formerly Trichosporon pullulans) and T. pamirica were located together in a well-supported clade named Guehomyces based on rRNA sequence analyses (Boekhout et al., 2011, Fell and Guého-Kellermann, 2011, Sampaio, 2011, Liu et al., 2015a). Tausonia (Babeva 1998) has nomenclatural priority over Guehomyces (Fell & Scorzetti 2004). The two species are phenotypically similar in producing arthroconidia.
Tausonia pamirica Babeva 1998
Tausonia pullulans (Lindner) Xin Zhan Liu, F.Y. Bai, M. Groenew. & Boekhout 2015
Tausonia rosea A.V. Kachalkin 2019
Figure 1. Phylogenetic relationships of yeasts and related taxa from the order Cystofilobasidiales in Tremellomycetes obtained by maximum-likelihood analysis of LSU (D1/D2 domains) rRNA gene. Tree topology was backbone-constrained with the well-supported (>85 %) bipartitions of the topology of the seven-genes tree. Bootstrap percentages (BP) of maximum likelihood and neighbour-joining analyses from 1 000 replicates are shown respectively from left to right on the deep and major branches resolved and in brackets following recognised clades. The type species of accepted genera are in bold and the taxa not included in the seven-genes dataset are in red. Note: ns, not supported (BP < 50 %).
Bab'eva, I. P. (1998). Tausonia pamirica gen. nov. sp. nov., a psychrophilic yeast-like micromycete from the soils of Pamir. Microbiology (New York, NY), 67(2), 189-194.
Boekhout, T., Fonseca, A., Sampaio, J. P., Bandoni, R. J., Fell, J. W., & Kwon-Chung, K. J. (2011). Discussion of teleomorphic and anamorphic basidiomycetous yeasts. In The Yeasts (pp. 1339-1372). Elsevier.
Fell, J. W., & Scorzetti, G. (2004). Reassignment of the basidiomycetous yeasts Trichosporon pullulans to Guehomyces pullulans gen. nov., comb. nov. and Hyalodendron lignicola to Trichosporon lignicola comb. nov. International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, 54(3), 995-998.
Fell, J. W., & Guého-Kellermann, E. (2011). Guehomyces Fell & Scorzetti (2004). In The Yeasts (pp. 1773-1775). Elsevier.
Liu, X. Z., Wang, Q. M., Theelen, B., Groenewald, M., Bai, F. Y., & Boekhout, T. (2015a). Phylogeny of tremellomycetous yeasts and related dimorphic and filamentous basidiomycetes reconstructed from multiple gene sequence analyses. Studies in mycology, 81, 1-26.
Liu, X. Z; Wang, Q. M; Göker, M; Groenewald, M; Kachalkin, A.V; Lumbsch, H.T; Millanes, A.M; Wedin, M; Yurkov,A.M; Boekhout,T; Bai, F.-Y. (2015b). Towards an integrated phylogenetic classification of the Tremellomycetes. Studies in Mycology. 81:85-147
Sampaio, J. P. (2011). Tausonia Bab’eva (1998). In The Yeasts (pp. 1999-2001). Elsevier.
Recent Genus
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