Vustinia A.V. Kachalkin, Turchetti & Yurkov, in Kachalkin et al., Mycological Progress 18 (7): 956 (2019)
Etymology: The genus is named in honor of the Russian zymologist Dr. Michael Vustin (VKPM culture collection, State Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms, Russia) for his contributions to the study of soil yeasts and yeasts producing carotenoid pigments.
Diagnosis: Basidiocarps absent. True hyphae and pseudohyphae not observed. Sexual reproduction not observed. Budding cells present. Budding is on the wide basis, polar with sympodial proliferation. Ballistoconidia absent. Arthroconidia absent. Urea hydrolysis and Diazonium Blue B reaction are positive. Nitrate is utilized.
Index Fungorum number: IF829115
Type species: Vustinia terrae A.V. Kachalkin, Turchetti & Yurkov, in Kachalkin et al., Mycological Progress 18 (7): 956 (2019)
Notes: This monotypic genus is proposed to accommodate a new species represented by two isolates, which are phylogenetically close to the genus Krasilnikovozyma in a well-supported clade.
Figure 1. Phylogenetic relationships of yeasts and related taxa from the order Cystofilobasidiales in Tremellomycetes obtained by maximum likelihood analysis of a concatenated alignment of the a ITS region and LSU (D1/D2 domains) rRNA gene and b ITS region, LSU rRNA gene, and TEF1. The numbers provided on branches are frequencies (> 50%) with which a given branch appeared in 100 bootstrap replications. The scale bars indicate the numbers of expected substitutions accumulated per site
Kachalkin, AV; Turchetti, B; Inacio, J; Carvalho, C; Mašínová, T; Pontes, A; Röhl, O; Akulov, A; Baldrian, P; Begerow, D; Buzzini, P; Sampaio, JP; Yurkov, AM. (2019). Rare and undersampled dimorphic basidiomycetes. Mycological Progress. 18(7):945-971
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