Gloeophyllales » Gloeophyllaceae » Campylomyces

Campylomyces tabacinus

Campylomyces tabacinus (Cooke) Nakasone 2004, in Nakasone, Sydowia, 56(2), 261 (2004).

Diagnosis: Basidiocarp probably annual, pileate, gregarious, cupulate or disciform, sometimes elongate, up to 5 × 5 mm, involute, sessile or attached by a narrowed base, subceraceous to ceraceous, up to 800 μm thick; pileus surface tomentose to appressed, dark brown to black, black in KOH; hymenophore obscured from involute margins, denticulate from numerous hyphal pegs, pegs about 5 per mm, projecting up to 150 μm, tan-colored to brown [6(E-F)8], unchanging in KOH; margin free, involute, upturned and curving inward on drying, lobed, smooth, sterile, reddish brown, black in KOH; context subceraceous, concolorous with hymenophore, penetrated by darker brown hyphal pegs, unchanged in KOH. Hyphal system: monomitic, composed of nodose-septate generative. Hyphae. –pileus surface composed of a dense, velutinous layer of hyphae, up to 150 μm thick, arising from a narrow, dense, brown to black, agglutinated cutis layer (about 100 μm thick); pileus hyphae 3.5-5.5 μm diam, with rare clamp connections, unbranched, straight, sometimes with blue-colored contents, walls thin to thick but thinning toward apex, yellowish or greenish brown, brown or light blue, smooth. Subiculum 100-200 μm thick, a dense, agglutinated tissue of hyphae arranged parallel to substrate; subicular hyphae 3.5-5.5 μm diam, nodose-septate, sparingly to moderately branched, walls thin to slightly thickened, hyaline, smooth, gelatinous. Subhymenium 250-300 μm thick, a moderately dense, subceraceous tissue of vertically arranged hyphae and numerous clusters of hyaline crystals; subhymenial hyphae 2-3 μm diam, nodose-septate, sparingly branched, often branching from clamp connections, walls thin, hyaline, smooth, gelatinous. Hyphal pegs composed of aggregated, brown tramal cystidia projecting up to 135 μm beyond hymenium, up to 100 μm diam, originating in the subicular-subhymenial interface; tramal cystidia cylindrical to narrowly clavate, sometimes with constrictions, up to 180 × 5.5 μm, tapering to 3-4 μm diam at base, with a basal clamp connection, sometimes with secondary septa, apex obtuse and rounded or slightly tapering, extending up to 100 μm beyond hymenium, walls slightly to 3 μm thick, often becoming thinner toward base and apex, brownish yellow to dark brown throughout, apical portion encrusted with hyaline crystals or brownish yellow mucilaginous or resinous deposits. Hymenium up to 150 μm thick, a dense palisade of basidia and basidioles developed between projecting hyphal pegs. Basidioles filiform, often expanding slightly toward apex, up to 100 × 3-4 μm, tapering to 2 μm diam at base, with a basal clamp connection, walls thin, hyaline, smooth. Basidia clavate, 125-170 × 13-15 μm, tapering to 3-5 μm diam at base, with a basal clamp connection, walls thin, hyaline, smooth, 4-sterigmate, sterigmata up to 8 μm long, often persisting after maturation, collapsed and empty. Basidiospores cylindrical with a distinct, blunt apiculus, 27-33× 8-9(-10) μ m, often agglutinated, walls thin, hyaline, smooth, negative in Melzer’s reagent.

Index Fungorum Number: IF369495