Umbellus Xue W. Wang & L.W. Zhou 2023, in Wang, & Zhou, Journal of Fungi, 10(1), 22 (2023).
Etymology: Umbellus (Lat.), referring to the large umbrella-shaped crystalline head of cystidia.
Diagnosis: Distinguished by capitate cystidia with a large umbrella-shaped crystalline head. Basidiomes annual, adnate and resupinate. Hymenophore smooth to grandinioid or odontioid to hydnoid, white to cream; margin thinning out, arachnoid, concolorous or paler than subiculum. Hyphal system monomitic; generative hyphae with clamp connections. Cystidia dimorphic: (1) arising from subhymenium and more or less enclosed in the hymenium or strongly projecting for the greater part of their length, cylindrical, unevenly thick-walled with a narrow or wide lumen, rooted at the base, gradually tapering, broadly rounded at the apex and covered by a large umbrella-shaped crystalline head; (2) originating laterally on subicular hyphae with the same morphology as those arising from subhymenium but smaller in size and stalk slightly thick-walled. Basidia subclavate to clavate-cylindrical, barrel-shaped or suburniform, with a basal clamp connection and four sterigmata. Basidiospores oblong-ellipsoid or broadly ellipsoid, hyaline, smooth, thin-walled, indextrinoid, inamyloid, acyanophilous.
Index Fungorum Number: IF851426
Type Species: Umbellus sinensis Xue W. Wang & L.W. Zhou 2023, in Wang, & Zhou, Journal of Fungi, 10(1), 22 (2023).
Umbellus corneri (Jülich) Xue W. Wang & L.W. Zhou 2023
Umbellus hamatus (H.S. Jacks.) Xue W. Wang & L.W. Zhou 2023
Umbellus sinensis Xue W. Wang & L.W. Zhou 2023
Umbellus umbraculus (G. Cunn.) Xue W. Wang & L.W. Zhou 2023
Wang, X. W., & Zhou, L. W. (2023). Umbellaceae fam. nov.(Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) for Umbellus sinensis gen. et sp. nov. and Three New Combinations. Journal of Fungi, 10(1), 22.
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