Hysterangiales K. Hosaka & Castellano, in Hosaka et al., Mycologia 98(6): 956 (2006)
Diagnostic characters: Basidiomata hypogeous or epigeous, solitary or gregarious, sequestrate, globose to irregular, with or without a tapering, stem-like sterile base, often covered with adhering sand and soil or encased in debris and rootlets. Rhizomorphs conspicuous at base or sides of basidiomata, often producing dense hyphal mats in the soil, occasionally with attached calcium oxalate crystals. Peridium sometimes readily separable from gleba, elastic, glutinous or hard and brittle, white to pale yellow, brown, violet, or purple, sometimes staining pink, red, brown, purple, yellow or brown when bruised, 1–4-layered, sometimes with a gelatinous subcutis containing sutures that divide the peridium into sections, sometimes incorporating mycorrhizae. Gleba at maturity cartilaginous to gelatinous or powdery, gray to green, olive or brown, often with labyrinthine to elongated locules, with a dendroid, cartilaginous to gelatinous columella or a soft to rubbery central core or lacking such structures. Basidia 2–8-spored. Spores statismosporic, mostly symmetrical, ellipsoid, oblong to fusoid, smooth to minutely verrucose, or sometimes spinose, often with a wrinkled to inflated or ephemeral utricle, hyaline, pale green, or brown in KOH, inamyloid, sometimes weakly dextrinoid.
Index Fungorum number: IF501525
Type family: Hysterangiaceae E. Fisch., in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., Teil. I (Leipzig) 1304 (1900)
Hosaka, K. 2006. Molecular phylogenetics of the gomphoid-phalloid fungi with an establishment of the new subclass Phallomycetidae and two new orders. Mycologia. 98(6):949-959
Recent Genus
Recent Species
Dictyocephalos attenuatusOliveonia fibrillosa
Tricholomella constricta