Baueromyces planticola
Baueromyces planticola Q.M. Wang, D. Begerow and M. Groenew. in Li, Wang et al., Frontiers in Microbiology 12(no. 777338): 24 (2022)
Etymology: The specific epithet, planticola, refers to the substrate origin of the type strain, plant.
Diagnosis: After 7 days at 17◦C in YM broth, cells are cylindrical, 1.7– 2.5 × 4.2–10.0 µm and single, a sediment is produced, budding is polar, hyphae are narrow (1.2–2.5 µm). After 1 month at 17◦C, a film or ring and a sediment are produced. The streak culture is cream to pink, butyrous, flat, and the surface is smooth or slightly wrinkled with glistening and has an entire margin after 1 month at 17◦C on YM agar. Pseudohyphae and Hyphae are absent in Dalmau plate culture on cornmeal agar. Sexual structures are not produced on PDA, YM, CM, and V8 agars. Ballistoconidia are not observed. Glucose is not fermented. Glucose, galactose, sucrose, maltose (week), cellobiose, trehalose (latent and weak), lactose (weak), melibiose (variable), raffinose, melezitose (variable), inulin, Dxylose (weak), L-arabinose, D-ribose (variable), L-rhamnose (variable), N-Acetyl-D-glucosmine (variable), glycerol, erythritol (latent and weak), D-mannitol, and D-glucitol are assimilated. Lsorbose, soluble starch, D-arabinose, D-glucosamine, methanol, ethanol (or weak), ribitol, galactitol, α-Methyl-D-glucoside (weak), salicin (or latent and weak), DL-lactic acid, succinic acid (or weak), citric acid, inositol (or latent and weak), and hexadecane are not assimilated. Ammonium sulfate, potassium nitrate (or weak), L-lysine (or weak), ethylamine (or weak), and cadaverine (or weak) are assimilated. Sodium nitrite (or latent and weak) is not assimilated. The maximum growth temperature is 30–32◦C. Growth does occur in the vitamin-free medium. No starch-like substrate is produced. Growth does not occur on 50% (w/w) glucose-yeast extract agar Urease and Diazonium blue B reactions are positive.
Index Fungorum Number: IF839597
Li, YY; Wang, MM; Groenewald, M; Li, AH; Guo, YT; Wu, F; Zhang, BQ; Tanaka, E; Wang, QM; Bai, FY; Begerow, D. 2022. Proposal of Two New Combinations, Twenty New Species, Four New Genera, One New Family, and One New Order for the Anamorphic Basidiomycetous Yeast Species in Ustilaginomycotina. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12(no. 777338):1-27.
Recent Genus
Recent Species
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