Fragiliporia Y.C. Dai, B.K. Cui & C.L. Zhao, in Zhao et al., Fungal Diversity 70: 119 (2015)
Etymology: fragiliporia (Lat.): referring to brittle basidiocarps
Diagnosis: Basidiocarps resupinate, very soft when fresh, becoming brittle when dry. Hyphal system monomitic, generative hyphae thick-walled with clamp connections, hyphae frequently branched from clamp connections, usually encrusted by crystals, IKI–, CB–, branched hyphae mostly H-, W- or Y-shaped; hyphae swollen in KOH. Basidiospores hyaline, thin-walled, allantoid, IKI–, CB
Index Fungorum number: IF809339
Type species: Fragiliporia fragilis Y.C. Dai, B.K. Cui & C.L. Zhao, in Zhao et al., Fungal Diversity 70: 119 (2015)
Zhao, C. L., Cui, B. K., Song, J., & Dai, Y. C. (2015). Fragiliporiaceae, a new family of Polyporales (Basidiomycota). Fungal Diversity, 70(1), 115-126.
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