Aegis boa
Aegis boa Gómez-Mont., Rajchenb. & Robledo 2017, in Gomez-Montoya et al., Mycosphere 8(6): 1265 (2017).
Etymology: from Latin “boa”= large snake. In reference to the widened and constricted generative hyphae that recall Boa constrictor.
Diagnosis: Basidiomata annual, resupinate to effused-reflexed, with a short-reflexed portion; effused portion elliptical, up to 3 × 1.5 × 0.3 cm, pileus elongated, applanate to triquetrous, up to 1 cm wide. Pileal surface white, light beige toward the base and against the substrate, concentrically sulcate, apparently glabrous but finely velutinate under the lens. Margin whitish to light grey, round, incurved upon drying, up to 0.5 mm thick in the effused part. Pore surface whitish. Pores rounded irregular, 5–6 per mm; dissepiments entire. Context homogeneous, whitish to cream, fibrous, up to 0.1 cm thick. Tubes up to 0.2 cm long.
Hyphal system monomitic; generative hyphae with clamps, IKI–, CB–, metachromatic. The context mostly composed of thin-walled, hyaline hyphae, 2–6 μm wide. The trama dominant by notoriously thick hyphae, 6–11 μm wide, hyaline and evenly thick-walled with a wide lumen to slightly yellowish and strongly thick-walled with a capillary lumen to subsolid; often presenting notorious wall-thickenings at the clamps, where lateral subsolid branches observed. Hyphae with strongly thickened walls occuring intercalary (between hyphae of walls not so thickened) or terminal, often presenting particular widening, inflated portions with lacunar lumen and constrictions. Dissepiment hyphae bearing very small, polymorphic and angular crystals. Basidia clavate, with a basal clamp connection, hyaline, thin-walled, 14–16 × 4–5 μm, with four sterigmata. Basidiospores allantoid in equatorial lateral view, cylindrical, in equatorial adaxial view, smooth, hyaline, thin-walled, IKI–, (4.0–) 4.0–4.8(–5.0) × (1.0–)1.2–2(–2.0) μm, x̄= 4.2 × 1.7 μm, Q = 2–4, Ǭ = 2.6.
Index Fungorum Number: IF821876