Polyporales » Phanerochaetaceae » Odontoefibula

Odontoefibula orientalis

Odontoefibula orientalis C.C. Chen & Sheng H. Wu 2018, in Chen, et al., MycoKeys 39, 75 96 (2018)

Etymology: From orientalis (= Eastern world), where the specimens were collected.

Diagnosis: Basidiocarps annual, effused, adnate, membranaceous to subceraceous, somewhat brittle, 200400 μm thick in section (aculei excluded). The hymenial surface at first honey yellow, darkening to ochraceous to pale brown with age, turning dark reddish in KOH, slightly tuberculate when young, becoming odontioid with age, extensively cracked; margin paler, thinning out, slightly filamentous. Aculei conical to cylindrical, usually fused at the base, with rounded to obtuse apex, 36 per mm, ca. 0.10.3 × 0.10.2 mm. Hyphal system monomitic; hyphae simple-septate. Subiculum uniform, with dense texture, 200300 μm thick; subicular hyphae somewhat vertical, colourless, 2.54 μm diam., 0.50.8 μm thick walls; hyphae near substratum interwoven, with irregular orientation, tortuous, colourless, irregularly swollen, 48 μm diam., 0.51 μm thick walls. Subhymenium not clearly differentiated from subiculum, with fairly dense texture, hyphae somewhat vertical, colourless, 34 μm diam., thin- to slightly thick-walled. Trama of aculei of dense texture; hyphae mainly vertical, other aspects similar to those in subiculum. Large crystal masses scattered throughout the section. Cystidia lacking, but projecting hyphal ends in the hymenium may be present. Basidia clavate to narrowly clavate, 2540 × 67 μm, 4-sterigmate, often with small oily drops. Basidiospores ellipsoid, adaxially slightly concave, smooth, thin-walled, sometimes with small oily drops, inamyloid, non-dextrinoid, acyanophilous, 5.16.6 × 2.83.4 μm

Index Fungorum NumberIF824076