Wallemiales » Wallemiaceae » Cystogloea

Cystogloea oelandica

Cystogloea oelandica P. Roberts 2006, in Roberts, Acta Mycologica, 41(1), 25 -28 (2006).

Diagnosis: Basidiomes gelatinous, hyaline, erumpent, irregularly pustular, 1 – 2 mm across, often

coalescing. Hyphae in a soft, gelatinous matrix; disarticulating and only visible as disconnected, swollen, hyphal compartments in most basidiomes examined; where vis ible, composed of branching chains of short, swollen, hyaline compartments, 10 - 35 x 6 - 17 μm, 2.5 - 3.5 μm wide at septa, lacking clamp-connexions. Hyphidia none seen. Cystidia none seen. Conidiophores none seen. Basidia arising from disarticulated hyphal segments which act as probasidia; these probasidia thin-walled, variously shaped; mostly subglobose to ellipsoid, approximate sizes 15 - 20 x 12 - 17 μm, but often fusiform, oblong to cylindrical, approximate size 25 - 40 x 8 - 10 μm, and sometimes irregular; the probasidia give rise to tubular, auricularioid epibasidia, 45 - 60 x 5 - 7 μm, which become triseptate at maturity. Sterigmata 4 - 10 (- 18) μm long. Basidiospores oblong (Q = 1.4 - 1.6), 8 - 10.5 x 5.5 - 6.5 μm, germination not seen. Figure 1.

Index Fungorum Number: IF510655


Figure 1. Cystogloea oelandica. (left to right) moniliform hyphae; disarticulated hyphal compartments (probasidia) starting to produce epibasidia; mature, septate epibasidia arising from collapsed hyphal compartments (probasidia); basidiospores (type specimen).



Roberts, P. (2006). Cystogloea oelandica: an unusual new auricularioid species from Sweden. Acta Mycologica, 41(1), 25 -28.


About Basidiomycota

The webpage Basidiomycota provides an up-to-date classification and account of all genera of the phylum Basidiomycota.


Supported by 

Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)

project entitled:

"Macrofungi diversity research from the Lancang-Mekong Watershed and surrounding areas"

(Grant No. DBG6280009)


  • Email: basidio.org@yahoo.com
  • Addresses:
    Mushroom Research Foundation, 292 Moo 18, Bandu District,
    Muang Chiangrai 57100, Thailand
  • The State Key Lab of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No.3 1st Beichen West Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, P.R. China

Published by the State Key Lab of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and
Mushroom Research Foundation
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