Chlorolepiota mahabaleshwarensis
Chlorolepiota mahabaleshwarensis Sathe & S.D. Deshp. 1979, in Roberts, Acta Mycologica, 41(1), 25 -28 (2006).
Diagnosis: Pileus: 5-8 cm broad (in exsiccatus); conic to convex, umbonate; buffish yellow to straw coloured, umber coloured scales crowded at centre becoming sparse towards margin-, smooth; fleshy; rarely marginally striated ; margin : entire ; pileal surface : an epicutis of thin walled, hyaline, repent parallel hyphae, (5 × 72—) 8×6 (-10×00) µm broad, tricho dermal over scales, pileal hairs agglutinating in conical structures.
Lamellae: Free, with collarium (sensu Singer) equal; primrose-yellow, becoming brownish on drying; 100-114µm at base, 71 ×5-85×8 µm at edge; spaced at 138-143 µm interval; hymeno phoral trama: irregular to subregular; euhymenial -subhymenium distinguishedใ pleurocystidia nil; cystidioles present, 17-3 x 10 pm ; lamellar edge : sterile with cheilocystidia, 17-16-20-00 x 5-72- 14-30µm.
Stipe; 9×5-14-8mm (in exsiccatus); central concolourous with pileus; hollow; cylindrical with bulbous base.
Hyphal system: Monomitic with thin-walled gernerative hyphae, 5×38 –10 µm broad, inamyloid, clamp connection absent.
Spore print: Prime rose yellow
Basidiospores: (11-44-) 14-30 (-15 ×73) (5-72-) 8-58 (-9-3) pm, Q = 1 67; ellipsoidal; Porate with refringent portal plug (callus) and lateral; apicule, wall smooth: greyish-yellow-green in ammonium solution. Staining strongly in congo red (alkaline).
Index Fungorum Number: IF311068
Figure 1. A – Habit photograph. B – Basidiospore (photomicrograph). C – Bisterigmatic basidum (Holographic photomicrograph). D –Tetrasterigmatic basidium, cystidiole, hypha without clamp connection and a basidiospore at side.
Sathe, A. V., & Deshpande, S. D. (1979). Chlorolepiota—a new genus of Agaricales (Mushrooms) from India. Current Science, 48(15), 693-695.
Recent Genus
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