Agaricales » Cyphellaceae  » Campanophyllum

Campanophyllum proboscideum

Campanophyllum proboscideum (Fr.) Cifuentes & R.H. Petersen 2003, in Cifuentes et al., Mycological Progress, 2, 285-295 (2003)

Basionym: Lentinus proboscideus Fr. 1851, Novae Symbolae Mycologicae, page. 38

Diagnosis: Basidiomata always pseudostipitate, pendent, broadly cyphelloid, lamellate, dorsally and eccentrically or laterally attached. Pileus 8110 mm broad, spathulate to rounded-flabelliform or spoon-shaped, lobate when fully expanded; surface moist, delicately radially fibrillose or streaked, at first white to off-white (Kornerup & Wanscher 4A2-3, 5A2- 3, 5B3; Munsell 2.5Y 8/2), with fibrils and surface gradually suffusing pinkish brown to brown from the attachment outward to margin (Kornerup & Wanscher 5D4, 6D4, 6E4-6, 7D4; Munsell 2.5YR 3/3, 10YR 3/4, Ridgway cinnamon brown, pale pinkish cinnamon, snuff brown, bister,Verona brown”), often with small stain spots of similar colors; margin inrolled to decurved, often delicately striate up to 3 mm, hygrophanous; context 13 mm thick, fleshy and somewhat rubbery-gelatinous like Lentinula boryana (Berk. & Mont.) Pegler. Lamellae extending radially from attachment point, arcuate, usually < 1 mm deep, thin, very crowded, white to off-white (Kornerup & Wanscher 3A2, 4A2, 5A2-3; Munsell 2.5YR 8/2), unchanging when fresh but suffusing pinkish brown (Ridgway cinnamon buffto light ochraceous salmon“) on drying and storage (i.e. necropigment). Pseudostipe usually rudimentary, 320(30) mm long, concolorous with pileus but usually discoloring before pileus, hollow. Spore print white, unchanging. Taste none or mildly acrid; odor indistinct. Pileipellis a repent, coherent layer up to 50 μm thick; hyphae 5.08.0 μm diam, subhyaline (watery pale fuscous in mass), thin- to thick-walled (wall up to 0.5 μm thick), frequently clamped; hyphae of fibrils similar, fasciculate (up to 25 hyphae), aerial at acute angle; pileipellis surface hyphae covered with yellow-brown, inamyloid, lenticular granules and basidiospores. Suprapellis undifferentiated. Subpellis undifferentiated, but repent hyphae 25 μm diam. Outer pileus trama monomitic; hyphae loosely interwoven, 5.214.5(35) μm diam, hyaline, thin- to thick-walled (wall up to 2.5 μm thick), usually with a loose envelope of gelatinous material up to 2.5 μm thick (therefore hyphae appearing significantly thick-walled), frequently branched at wide angles and commonly inflated at branch axils, frequently clamped. Inner pileus trama as outer trama but hyphae densely interwoven, adherent through gelatin deposition. Lamellar trama monomitic, parallel; hyphae 5.018.0 μm diam, hyaline, thin- to thick-walled (wall up to 0.7 μm thick), with loosely gelatinous envelope up to 2.5 μm thick, branched, clamped; gloeoplerous hyphae abundant 6.416 μm diam., interwoven; subhymenium thin, cellular to isodiametric, usually appearing crushed. Hymenium composed of: 1) basidia 1417 × 4.55.0 μm, narrowly clavate to clavate, hyaline, clamped, 4-spored; and 2) leptocystidia (pleurocystidia) rare, 2.03.0 μm diam, elongatedigitate, straight, hyaline, emergent up to 6 μm, hymenial. Differentiated pleurocystidia not observed. Lamellar margin sterile; cheilocystidia 1825 × 911 μm, mostly cylindric to clavate or beaked-utriform, sometimes pedunculate, hyaline, thin-walled. Pseudostipitipellis a coherent, repent layer; hyphae as in pileipellis, with outermost hyphae covered by minute lenticular granules and basidiospores. Subpseudostipitipellis hyphae inflated up to 14 μm diam, thin-walled, hyaline. Inner surface of pseudostipe covered with cheilocystidia- like cystidia probably because of extending lamellae margin. Basidiospores 44.5 × 23 μm, Q = 1.52 μm, mean of 40 spores 4.2 × 2.5 μm, Qave. = 1.7 μm, rod shaped (dorsal view) or short cylindrical-ellipsoid (lateral view and frontal view), smooth, thin-walled, hyaline, inamyloid; hilar appendix small.

Index Fungorum Number: IF488791

Figure 1. Basidiomata of Campanophyllum proboscideum. a. C. proboscideum, coll. RE Halling 5069, scale bar = 2 cm. b. C. proboscideum, coll. RE Halling 7897, scale bar = 1 cm. Photos by RE Halling


Figure 2. Campanophyllum proboscideum, coll. R.E. Halling TFB no. 7877 (Neotype). a. pileipellis; b. cheilocystidia; c. basidia; d. basidiospores. Scale bar = 8 μm



Cifuentes, J., & Petersen, R.H., & Hughes, K. (2003). Campanophyllum: a new genus for an old species name. Mycological Progress, 2, 285-295.


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Supported by 

Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)

project entitled:

"Macrofungi diversity research from the Lancang-Mekong Watershed and surrounding areas"

(Grant No. DBG6280009)


  • Email:
  • Addresses:
    Mushroom Research Foundation, 292 Moo 18, Bandu District,
    Muang Chiangrai 57100, Thailand
  • The State Key Lab of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No.3 1st Beichen West Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, P.R. China

Published by the State Key Lab of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and
Mushroom Research Foundation
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