Kombocles Castellano, T.W. Henkel & Dentinger 2016, in in Castellano et al., IMA Fungus 7(2), 241 (2016).
Etymology: Komba and –cles (Gk. suffix m), "Komba the renowned", referring to the spiritual protector and provider of the forest as recognized by the Baka indigenous people of the type locality of the Dja Biosphere Reserve.
Diagnosis: Distinguished from other Boletaceae by a combination of the following characters: Basidiomata emergent, sequestrate, globose to subglobose. Peridium various shades of brown, unchanging. Gleba brown with irregular off-white veins, unchanging, loculate. Columella absent. Basidiospores asymmetrical, variously-shaped from fusoid to allantoid to unevenly ellipsoid, rugulose, yellow-brown, dextrinoid when young, with a distinct hilar appendage. Cystidia and clamp connections absent.
Index Fungorum Number: IF818594
Type Species: Kombocles bakaiana Castellano, T.W. Henkel & Dentinger 2016, in in Castellano et al., IMA Fungus 7(2), 241 (2016).
Kombocles bakaiana Castellano, T.W. Henkel & Dentinger 2016
Castellano, M. A., Elliott, T. F., Truong, C., Séné, O., Dentinger, B. T., & Henkel, T. W. (2016). Kombocles bakaiana gen. sp. nov.(Boletaceae), a new sequestrate fungus from Cameroon. IMA fungus, 7(2), 239-245.
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