Lanmaoa asiatica
Lanmaoa asiatica G. Wu & Zhu L. Yang, in Wu et al., Fungal Diversity 81(1): 1–24 (2015)
Etymology: The epithet “asiatica” is proposed because this species is located in East Asia.
Pileus 5–11 cm in diam., hemispherical to broadly convex, sometimes wrinkled, and slightly incurved at the margin, shell pink (8A3), dull red (9B3) to red (11A7–11A8), dry, staining brown to dark brown when touched; context pale yellow (2A4– 2A5), 10–30 mm thick, staining pale blue to light blue slowly when bruised. Hymenophore sinuate, thickness of hymenophore 1/3–1/4 times that of pileal context at the position halfway to the pileus center; surface and tubes light yellow (2A5–2A7), staining light blue to blue immediately when bruised; pores irregular to nearly round, 1.5–3/mm; tubes short, 3–7 mm long, staining light blue to blue immediately when bruised. Stipe subcylindrical, obclavate, sometimes bulbous at base, 8–11× 1–3 cm, light yellow to chicken yellow (2A5–2A6) at the apex and grayish red to brownish red (6C5–6C6), grayish ruby (12C5–12C6) towards the base, sometimes with reticulations at the upper part; context chicken yellow to maize yellow (2A6–4A6), darker than that of pileus, staining pale blue to light blue slowly when bruised, especially at the place near outside; basal mycelia yellowish white. Macrochemical reaction the surface of the cap stains light yellow to yellow with KOH.
Basidia 24–52×6–12 μm, clavate, 4-spored, sometimes 1- or 2-spored. Basidiospores (8.5) 9–11.5 (13)×4–5.5 (6) μm [Q=(1.7) 1.86–2.63 (2.75), Qm = 2.20 ± 0.18], subfusoid and inequilateral in side view with distinctly suprahilar depression, elliptic-subfusiform to oviform in ventral view, brownish yellow, smooth, inamyloid. Hymenophoral trama boletoid; hyphae cylindrical, 6–10.5 μm wide. Cheilocystidia 14–36×5–12 μm, fusoid ventricose to obclavate, usually with subacute apex and always with a short cell adhered, thin-walled. Pleurocystidia 21– 50×6–13 μm, broadly fusoid-ventricose to ventricose, with subacute apex, thin walled. Pileipellis an interwoven trichodermium to a subcutis composed of almost hyaline interwoven filamentous hyphae 2.5–5 μm in width with terminal cells 14–57×3– 5 μm, which are almost subcylindrical with subacute apex. Pileal trama composed of interwoven hyphae 2–6 μm wide. Stipitipellis hymeniform, 65–90 μm thick, composed of more or less vertically light brown to yellowish brown hyphae, with terminal cells 17–43×6.5–9 μm. Stipe trama composed of parallel hyphae 4–6 μm wide. Clamp connections absent.
Habitat: solitary to scattered, in subtropical forests of Pinus yunnanensis or mixed forests of Pinus yunnanensis and Quercus spp.
Known distribution: Currently only known from southwestern China.
Index Fungorum number: IF810365
Notes: Lanmaoa asiatica is very close to L. carminipes based on molecular data (Wu et al. 2014). However, L. carminipes has a quickly bluing reaction when its context is bruised and significantly narrower basidiospores (9–12×3–3.5 μm) (Bessette et al. 2000). Baorangia rubelloides (≡ Boletus bicolor Peck, non Raddi) is also similar to L. asiatica, but is negative with KOH on the cap and may form ectomycorrhizae with oaks (Bessette et al. 2000), while L. asiatica stains light yellow to yellow with KOH on the cap and is probably specific to pines due to its occurrence mainly in pines forests.
Figure 1: e–f: Lanmaoa asiatica (HKAS 82696, holotype!). Scale bars=5 cm