Oliveonia fibrillosa
Oliveonia fibrillosa (Burt) Donk 1958, in Roberts., Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 33, 128-129 (1998)
Basionym: Sebacina fibrillosa Burt, Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden13(3): 335 (1926)
Diagnosis: Oliveonia fibrillosa is distinguished by its cystidia, clamped hyphae. and ventrally de pressed, oblong basidiospores. The type description and illustration of Peniophora heterobasidioides show that It is a synonym of O. fibrillosa, as already noted by Olive (1957). Oliveonia subfibrillosa was distinguished by its smaller basidiospores, but a re-examination of the type collection shows that the spores fall within the normal range for O. fibrillosa, and the two taxa are here regarded as synonyms
Index Fungorum Number: IF301973
Figure 1. Endoperplexa enodulosa (left) and Oliveonia pauxilla (right) basidiospores; hymenial sections showing basidia, cystidium, and agglutinated hyphae.(Roberts, 1998)
Figure 2. Cladogram (bootstrap analysis, 1000 replicates, Ganoderma as outgroup) derived from ITS 1 & ITS 2 rDNA sequences. Ceratobasidium -Thanatephorus and Heteroacanthella-Oliveonia appear as separate clades. Numbers indicate the percentage bootstrap support. (Aleurodiscus aurantius was Included because morphological similarities suggested a possible relationship with Heteroacanthella, a hypothesis not supported here.) (Roberts, 1998)
Olive, L. S. (1957). Two new genera of the Ceratobasidiaceae and their phylogenetic significance. AmericanJournal of Botany 44: 429 - 435.
Roberts, P. (1998). Oliveonia and the origin of the holobasidiomycetes. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 33, 127-132.
Recent Genus
Recent Species
Dictyocephalos attenuatusOliveonia fibrillosa
Tricholomella constricta