Dendrocorticiopsis orientalis
Dendrocorticiopsis orientalis Sheng H. Wu, C.L. Wei & S.H. He 2022, in Wei et al., MycoKeys 90, 19-30 (2022).
Etymology: The epithet refers to the Eastern world, where the specimens were collected.
Diagnosis: The noteworthy features of Dendrocorticiopsis orientalis are: (1) subiculum composed of a basal layer, with compact texture; (2) oily materials usually present in hymenial layer; (3) cystidia with resinous materials at apices; (4) shortly clavate to subclavate basidia; (5) ellipsoid to ovoid basidiospores measuring 5–7 × 3.2–5.2 μm. Basidiomata annual, resupinate, effused, adnate, membranaceous, 50–100 μm thick in section. Hymenial surface brownish ivory, grayish ivory to lilac ivory, smooth, finely cracked; margin concolourous, slightly pruinose, rather determinate. Hyphal system monomitic; generative hyphae nodose-septate. Subiculum fairly uniform, composed of a basal layer, with fairly compact texture, usually with crystal masses; up to 30 μm thick, sometimes indistinct; hyphae mainly horizontal, colorless, fairly straight, 3–4 μm diam, with walls slightly thickened up to 1 μm. Hymenial layer thickening, with more or less compact texture, usually with oily materials, 50–70 μm thick; hyphae more or less vertical, colorless, 2–4 μm diam, with walls slightly thickened up to 1 μm. Dendrohyphidia numerous, 12–28 × 2–3 μm, thick-walled toward base, with walls up to 1 μm thick, colorless. Cystidia clavate, apically with resinous materials, gradually dissolving in KOH, 10–20 × 3.5–5.5 μm, slightly thick-walled, or thickening toward base, with walls up to 1 μm thick. Basidia clavate to subclavate, usually broadened at basal or middle parts, 18–35 × 5–7 μm, 4-sterigmata, thickening toward base, with walls up to 1 μm thick. Basidiospores ellipsoid to ovoid, or broadly ellipsoid, smooth, colorless, with homogenous contents, thin-walled or occasionally slightly thick-walled, negative in Melzer’s reagent, acyanophilous, mostly 5–7 × 3.2– 5.2 μm. (5.5)6–7(7.5) × 4.2–5.2(5.5) μm, L = 6.50±0.42 μm, W = 4.66±0.32 μm, Q = 1.40 (n = 30) (holotype, WEI 20-166). (5.7)6.2–7(7.5) × (4.2)4.5–5(5.2) μm, L = 6.61±0.43 μm, W = 4.77±0.25 μm, Q = 1.39 (n = 30) (WEI 20-173). (4.2)5–6.8(7)× (3)3.2–5(5.2) μm, L = 5.8 μm, W = 4.2 μm, Q = 1.38 (He 4195).
Index Fungorum Number: IF838903
Notes: Both of the ITS and 28S sequences BLAST results showed that Dendrocorticiopsis orientalis is close to the strain BCRC 36235 that is annotated as Ganoderma applanatum (Pers.) Pat. in GenBank. According to personal communication with Bioresource Collection and Research Center (BCRC, Taiwan), the strain BCRC 36235 was indeed isolated from a Ganoderma specimen collected by Dr. Jin-Torng Peng in Nantou, Central Taiwan, on wood of Acacia confusa Merr. However, as suggested by Suldbold (2017), the ITS (EU232219) and 28S (EU232303) sequences of the strain BCRC 36235 are not true G. applanatum, and we supposed that the strain could be contaminated by D. orientalis, which is known to grow on Acacia. The specimen He 4195 collected on Castanopsis (Fagaceae) from Jiangxi Province has slightly smaller basidiospores (L = 5.8 μm, W = 4.2 μm) than the holotype.