Inocutis rheades
Inocutis rheades (Pers.) Fiasson & Niemelä 1984, in Dai, Y.C., Fungal diversity, 45, 131-343 (2010)
Diagnosis: Fruitbody Basidiocarps annual, pileate, solitary or several fused together in an imbricate group, corky and without odor and taste when fresh, hard corky to brittle when dry. Pilei applanate, projecting up to 4 cm, 7 cm wide and 2 cm thick at base. Pileal surface yellowish brown and more or less hispid or villose, becoming pale brown and rough or glabrous with age, with indistinct concentric zones; margin blunt. Pore surface pale yellowish brown, becoming dark brown or dark reddish brown with age; pores angular to round, 2–3 per mm; dissepiments thin, lacerate. Context dull umber-brown, fibrous to hard corky, azonate, up to 8 mm thick; granular core present at base, greyish brown with white mycelial flecks. Tubes umber-brown, slightly paler than pore surface and context, brittle when dry, up to 1 cm long. Hyphal structure Hyphal system monomitic; generative hyphae simple septate; tissues darkening but otherwise unchanged in KOH. Context Generative hyphae hyaline to pale yellowish or golden brown, thin- to distinctly thick-walled, hyaline hyphae with frequent simple septa, thick-walled hyphae occasionally septate, occasionally branched, more or less regularly arranged, 3–8 μm in diam; branched sclerids present in granular core, dark brown, distinctly thick-walled with a medium or narrow lumen, flexuous, 3.5– 6 μm in diam; hyphae of mycelial flecks hyaline, thin-walled, frequently branched and simple septate, 2– 3.5 μm in diam. Tubes Tramal hyphae pale yellowish to golden brown, fairly thick-walled, occasionally branched, with frequent simple septa, parallel along the tubes, slightly agglutinated, 2.5–5.5 μm in diam. Basidia clavate, with four sterigmata and a simple basal septum, 12–16×5.5–6.5 μm; basidioles in shape similar to basidia, but smaller. Spores Basidiospores ellipsoid, yellowish brown, thick-walled, smooth, IKI–, CB+, (5–)5.5–6.8(–7)×(3.7–)4–4.7(–5) μm, L=6.11 μm, W=4.14 μm, Q=1.43–1.52 (n=118/4).
Index Fungorum Number: IF106199
Notes: Inocutis rheades may be confused with I. levis, especially as both species can occur on Populus, but the latter species has distinctly larger spores (7.3–9.5×5–6.5 μm). Inocutis dryophila (Berk.) Fiasson & Niemelä is similar to I. rheades, but the former usually lives on Quercus, and its spores are broadly ellipsoid, and weakly cyanophilous or acyanophilous. Inocutis dryophila has not been reported from China.
Figure 1. Basidiocarps of Inocutis rheades
Figure 2. Microscopic structures of Inocutis rheades. a basidiospores; b hyphae from trama; c hyphae from context
Dai, Y.C. (2010). Hymenochaetaceae (Basidiomycota) in China. Fungal diversity, 45, 131-343.
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