Restingomyces Sulzbacher, Grebenc & Baseia 2016, in Sulzbacher et al., Mycologia 108(5): 959 (2016).
Etymology: From Portuguese “restinga”, a type of coastal tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forest found in eastern Brazil; and Latin myces (in Gk comp.) fungus.
Diagnosis: Distinguished from other Phallales by a combination of the following characters: basidiomata hypogeous, globose to subglobose with distinct short, branched, tomentose rhizomorphs adhering at the base; gleba firm and cartilaginous, locules not gelfilled; columella percurrent, gelatinized; peridium tomentose to glabrous composed of two layers, crystals adhering to the outer surface of the peridium, peridial hyphae with clamp connections; basidiospores ellipsoidal, wall irregularly reticulate.
Index Fungorum Number: IF815514
Type Species: Restingomyces reticulatus Sulzbacher, B.T. Goto & Baseia 2016, in Sulzbacher et al., Mycologia 108(5): 959 (2016).
Restingomyces guzmanianus J. García, T. Lebel & de la Fuente 2021
Restingomyces reticulatus Sulzbacher, B.T. Goto & Baseia 2016
Restingomyces yaaxtax Uitzil-Colli, Pinzón, de la Fuente & Guzm.-Dáv. 2021
Sulzbacher, M. A., Grebenc, T., Cabral, T. S., Giachini, A. J., Goto, B. T., Smith, M. E., & Baseia, I. G. (2016). Restingomyces, a new sequestrate genus from the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest that is phylogenetically related to early-diverging taxa in Trappeaceae (Phallales). Mycologia, 108(5), 954-966.
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