Russulales » Russulales genera incertae sedis » Haloaleurodiscus

Haloaleurodiscus mangrovei

Haloaleurodiscus mangrovei N. Maek., Suhara & K. Kinjo 2005, in Maekawa et al., Mycological research, 109(7), 825-832 (2005)

Etymology: From mangrove, referring to the habitat of this species.

Diagnosis: Basidiomata annual, resupinate, occurring as small patches, sometimes confluent, pinkish cream, Salmonto Saffronwhen fresh, white, pale dull-cream to grayish white when dry, 300600 µm thick; margin concolorous with the hymenial surface, determinated, in vertical section subhyaline, membranous with a basal layer; basal layer 1540 µm thick, sometimes containing numerous crystals. Hyphal system monomitic; hyphae 1.53 µm in diam, smooth, thin-walled, but sometimes thickened to 1 µm in the basal layer, nodoseseptate. Gloeocystidia numerous, mostly embedded but occasionally projecting up to 15 mm beyond the hymenial surface, tubular, sinuous, 80190×57.5 µm, smooth, thin- to thick-walled (up to 1 µm), with a basal clamp, weakly positive to sulphobenzaldehyde (SA+). Dendrohyphidia occurring in the hymenium, several branched at the upper part, with a basal clamp. Basidia narrowly clavate, sometimes sinuous, 6575×910.5 µm, with a basal clamp, producing four sterigmata. Basidiospores narrowly ellipsoid to cylindrical, 13.515.5×89.5 µm, usually fine-warted, thin- to slightly thick-walled (to 0.5 µm), amyloid.

Index Fungorum Number: IF369320