Cryptotrichosporon anacardii
Cryptotrichosporon anacardii Okoli & Boekhout 2007, in Okoli et al., FEMS yeast research, 7, 339-350 (2007)
Etymology: The epithet anacardii refers to the habitat of the yeast in a flower of the Cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale).
Diagnosis: Colonies are up to 15mm in diameter. On YPGA after 7 days at 25 1C, colonies are slightly convex to convex, slimy to very slimy, shiny, pale yellowish brown (isabella) with a concolorous reverse, and with an entire margin. The surface towards the margin may show a slight transverse striation. On niger seed agar, colonies are pale brown. Cells measure 4.5–8.5 × 2.5–4.5 mm, and are ellipsoidal to limoniform, and single or in short chains; after 3 weeks, short filaments and, acropetally, somewhat branched chains of fusiform blastoconidia may develop. Budding is enteroblastic, and occurs polarly on a broad base; a collarette may be visible. Inflated cells, measuring 8–11 × 7–9 mm, with finger-like protuberances occur. A capsule is visible in India ink preparations.
Index Fungorum Number: IF529036
Fig. 1. Melanin-like pigment formation by Cryptotrichosporon anacardii on phenolic compound. Patches of five strains after 6 (a) and 12 (b) days of incubation on minimal medium with 2mM methyl-dihydroxyphenylalanine.
Fig. 2. Morphology of Cryptotrichosporon anacardii. (a) Presence of a capsule in CBS 9553 after 4 weeks of growth on YPGA upon negative staining with India ink. (b) Inflated cells of CBS 9553 after 10 days of growth on MEA observed using phase contrast optics. (c) Morphology of budding cells of CBS 9553 after 10 days of growth on YMoA observed using phase contrast optics. Scale bar = 5 mm.
Okoli, I., & Oyeka, C. A., & Kwon-Chung, K. J., & Theelen, B., & Robert, V., & Groenewald, J. Z., ... & Boekhout, T. (2007). Cryptotrichosporon anacardii gen. nov., sp. nov., a new trichosporonoid capsulate basidiomycetous yeast from Nigeria that is able to form melanin on niger seed agar. FEMS yeast research, 7, 339-350.
Recent Genus
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